Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Testimony and More

Ladies, today this post is for you! If you're a guy reading this, keep reading too. Daniel and I have been overwhelmed with the amount of people who are actually following our blog. God is certainly using our blog and that is just so awesome. Last week, I got a message on Facebook from a girl I went to high school with, who I hadn't talked to in years. She told me about how the blog has really blessed her and inspired her to make a change in her life. We exchanged several messages back and forth and a few days later, she had ended her unhealthy relationship with a man who was not leading her to God. This amazed me and has really inspired me to share my testimony with our followers. Though I have shared this with many of you, more of you probably do not know how God has changed me radically.

Many of you know that I grew up in church, my father was a pastor, and I had always gone to church in someway or another. However, by the time I had gotten into middle school, I had already been a cheerleader for a year and I had already made some not so great friends (not blaming cheerleading). Like any middle school girl, I had such a low self-esteem, even though anyone would have told you I was so confident in myself. Because of this, eating disorders had flooded my life. Fortunately it was never full blown, but I had gone through several stages and periods of both bulimia and anorexia until my sophomore year in high school. That's 5 years. Five years of ignoring the fact that God had something better for me.  There was always a constant battle in my heart between the world and what God was calling me to do. Even being so involved in youth groups and having tons of friends, it was so easy to hide all that was going on in my life. I didn't want anyone to know that I was struggling, because I was afraid of what they might say. It took way too long for me to realized that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by my Creator. It took way too long for me to accept the fact that I was SO valuable and that no one else's opinion mattered. I only found my confidence when I found my confidence in my Savior.

One thing I love about this all, is that it proves God is amazing in so many ways. After I had stopped fighting myself, I had gained quite a bit of weight. Obviously, this was difficult but I knew God had bigger and better plans. I had to learn correct portions, normal habits, and healthy foods. Aside from all this I was chasing guys. I can promise you I was in search for a man to marry, but that was the problem... I was searching! When I finally came to my senses, I decided that I needed to give everything to God. There was no reason for me to be in search for my husband, God will place him in my life.

And that's exactly what he did. It wasn't long after I decided to focus on God, and that everything I am is for His purpose and glory, that I met my Daniel. Even when I first met Daniel, I was crazy about him, but I was so cautious. I kept telling myself that I didn't need to chase after him, and that if it was meant to be... It would happen. That took time, and doubt, but it happened. God went above and beyond, Daniel is absolutely perfect. Better than anything I could have found on my own and it all happened in His perfect timing. Remember my insecurity and weight gain? Yeah, Daniel fell in love with me when I was at my heaviest point!! He saw beauty in me when I couldn't see it in myself, but I was beautiful and I am, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, because I am a valuable daughter of the King!

I'm sure that you've heard the little triangle analogy, that as you run towards God (the top point), the closer you and him become. You'll know, when you're running hard after God and turn your head to see the man of your dreams running right next to you, in the same direction. Daniel and I believe that our faith is the real reason we are so in love and that our relationship works, we've never had an argument or fight (not saying that they're not gonna happen) and we've never had any serious issues.

Furthermore, I know Daniel and I have said that a God-centered relationship was the only way for us to be in a relationship. We knew that if our relationship was not focused on Him, God could take it away just as easily as he placed the other person in our lives. Ladies, you need a man you can spiritually lead you and seek God's will for the both of you, and you've got to be willing to follow that. And guys, you need to be that warrior for our King. There is no ifs, ands or buts about it. You cannot be with someone who cannot offer those things to you and it's not something you can change in someone. A man has to change himself (or a woman herself). A perfect relationship is possible, it may just take time, prayer and wisdom (at least my definition of perfect...).

My final thoughts are that I want you to know that there is a love greater than anything on this world and there's only one way to find it. I want you to know that if you are struggling, there is hope. God has not given up on you, he is working on you and he wants to use you. If you haven't already found your future spouse, be praying for them. Be praying for them, even if you have found them! God may even be calling you to a single life. No matter what, remember, YOU ARE VALUABLE.

P.S. The picture was taken at the Church at the Spring's Freedom Fest, last Summer.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this, Tori. So many young women just simply do not know any of this. God sent me the perfect man just in time. After 10 years of marriage, and three beautiful girls, I still can't believe I get to be with him. It's that way with God. No matter how long you are a part of the bride of Christ, there are always new wonders to find in him. Just as Eve was hidden within Adam from the beginning, so we have been hidden within Christ! His church, his glorious bride!
