Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lots of Registering!

So this morning we went to Great American Coffee and had blueberry muffins and coffee! There, we sorted out things we still needed to register for! Eventually, we headed to Target for like 4+ hours! We have most of our registry done now, though there is still more to do! And I'm sure some things might still change around... Hahaha. We are super excited to see it all eventually come together! The picture is of us trying to visualize our bathroom all together... It was quite funny going through the isles grabbing things and putting them on the floor to see what looks best. Hahaha. We also had a bit of help today, Daniel's sister Sophia, joined us on our long day at Target! Afterwards, we went to look at more furniture and then back to my house. My dad, Daniel and I gave my car a good and needed cleaning! We were the car cleaning dream team. Since then, we've just been hanging out and relaxing! Hopefully, tomorrow we will go check out some florists... or some other time this week.

Hope you all are enjoying your weeks! Good night!

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