Wednesday, November 14, 2012

As the Semester is Wrapping Up...

Yesterday consisted of lots of homework! With finals getting closer and project deadlines creeping up, it's time to buckle down and put our patience caps on! Tori came and met me at my Grandparents yesterday, where we were for most of the day. We took a quick LOST break but quickly got back to the madness. Then we left and headed to Tori's apartment where she got ready for the basketball game. While she went to the game, I went out to eat with a friend from where I worked this Summer. It was good to see him and have some good conversations with someone who "speaks my language", but I did miss Tori. After dinner my friend suggested that next time we go out that he'll bring his wife and I'll bring my Tori! So that was our day! I'd say, for having so much homework, it was a pretty good day! Hope you all had a great day! Bye!

From the basketball game!

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