Friday, January 11, 2013

Spring 2013!!!

So, Spring semester has started! Which is crazy because this semester ends with the most amazingly incredible month of May! One of the most highly anticipated months of my life thus far! I am so excited that I almost cant think of anything but getting married, I mean I'm going to do my best in class and learn as much as I can this semester, but the main thing on my brain will definitely be the end! The end is the beginning of something great! I'm already listening to tropical music in anticipation for the Spring time wedding and honeymoon!

My semester of classes is probably not going to be as hectic as last semester but it will still be busy, and Tori is in the same boat. We have gotten off to a pretty relaxed start and we are prepared for it to pick up! Tori likes all of her professors so far; she is taking 5 classes, 2 online! And I like all my teachers too; but I'm only taking 4 classes, she wins!

Tonight, Tori and I are going to the circus! We both have never been to a circus and so we are very excited! It was her Christmas present because I knew she has always wanted to go. So that will be our date night for this week, which is very exciting!

So anyways, I hope my excitement is obvious! I hope you all have a wonderful day! :)

Here are some pictures from earlier this week:

Eatin' some Pita Pit by the Reflection Pond on campus before finding all of our classes!

Basketball game on Wednesday! (We won!)

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