So the photo for today is the temperature; there it is! It was a pleasant day, weather and sentiment. I had two finals this morning with 10 minutes between them, which would cause the majority of the population a little bit of stress, but not me! I had a lot! Haha I think anxious is a better word though, anticipating the grand finally of the sum total of all this semesters hard work. Tori is no exception to hard work. She has done such a good job this semester with classes and putting up with me! About half way through the semester I explained to her how much work I had for the rest of the semester and how I was beginning to get overwhelmed. She asked what she could do to help and I just asked that she be patient with me. She has done such a wonderful job at that, which has definitely helped me, as her heart wanted! So of course, because of her exceptional patience throughout the second half of this semester, it was time for a celebration!
Tori and I have been waiting for this icecream to come out for over a week and I have been telling her about it since July!! It is called Christmas Cookies and is made by BlueBell! So yummy! Throughout the past week we have driven periodically between three grocery stores in search and finally, the search was over today! So I present the half gallon tub of icecream for all to see! Have a wonderful day! Goodnight!
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