Thursday, October 4, 2012

PINK Knight!

Today started with a nice trip to the gym! We worked pretty hard! Hahaha. Anyways, we came back to my apartment and had a little coffee and breakfast and started on homework... We had lunch, took a LOST break, more homework, made dinner, ate dinner, did a devo... you know... and then got ready and went to the game! Woohoo! It was "PINK Knight" in honor of breast cancer awareness (my pink bow in my hair). The game was soooo much fun, of course, especially when we score. The energy in the stadium in awesome, I love it. We had to leave early to finish homework, but hey, as of right now we are winning! I love my school, that's for sure.

I can't wait to get some wedding planning done this weekend! Hopefully get Save-the-Dates done and maybe buy some things for crafts to make! Also, coming up is booking our honeymoon and talking to florists (Tuesday!).

Hope you all have a great night and Friday! Much love!

P.S. Oops.... It was Daniel's turn.... But, he has homework... So, he's got y'all for the next two nights. ;D

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